The Necessary Steps to Safely Storing Your Boat
If you are a boat owner and winter starts to come, you are going on a long vacation or are moving then you will need boat storage at some point. It’s not something that you probably think about too often, but when the need does arise it’s always good to be prepared. First, you need to know how to find somewhere that will store your boat in a storage unit. Most removalist companies are prepared for this and you can easily find them online. The great thing about boat storage units is that they are fairly inexpensive, they will keep your boat protected from the outside elements, and there are many storage places all over the country that are easy to find. Before you go and put your boat in storage there are a few steps you can take to make sure your boat is in good condition when you take it out again.
Change Your Oil
Old oil can have traces of water or acids in them. This is okay while in use, not using it and letting it sit can corrode the engine. You should first start by changing your filter and flushing it out to get rid of any water that might be stuck. Lastly, add new oil and your good to go.
Refresh Your Coolant
Having fresh coolant will stop any parts of your engine from freezing and will stop any corrosion that might happen. All you need to do is drain the coolant that might be in there, dilute fresh coolant to the specifications then fill it will that. A refresh before you put it in storage is something small you can do to make sure you boat stays in good shape.
Light Spritz of Fogging Oil
In order to protect your engine’s moving parts when the weather starts to get cold you need to spray fogging oil on them. This means you should start turning your engine over while it’s off and spray your carburettor, plug holes, and so on.
Remove the Drive Belts
Drive belts are naturally kept under tension so it is important to remove them if you are not using your boat for an extended period of time. The reason for this is that they can easily crack under the tension. You should loosen them or remove them completely before you put your boat in storage.
Grease the Wheel
This is an important step to make sure that any of your control mechanisms and steering wheel move smoothly when you want to take it out again. You should grease any moving parts well before you leave your boat to sit for a while.
Take the Battery Out
A connected battery will eventually drain and run out of power so it’s important to take it out and top it off with distilled water. If it is possible you should charge it every once in a while so when you go to hook it back up it has power. Nothing is worse than taking your boat out only to find the battery is completely flat!
Fill Up the Tank
Condensation is something that can happen when the tank is left only half full or empty which can eventually cause the tank to corrode. Filling the tank up to the top and adding gas stabilizer will make sure that your boat is ready to go.
Clean Up the Interior
Make sure you really give the interior a good clean and remove anything electronic and put it in a safe place. Changing temperatures and moisture can also create mildew so you should remove anything that is made from materials that are susceptible to this.
Wash & Wax the Exterior
Just like you would take care of the interior you should also make sure to take care of the exterior. Give your boat a thorough wash on the outside and make sure you give it a nice coat of wax. The wax prevents any corrosion or rust from forming so make sure you cover every inch of your boat well.
Cover Your Boat
Make sure that you buy a good thick cover for your boat to prevent any dust and dirt from building up. This also helps keep moisture at bay and it saves a lot of cleaning time for when you want to take it out of boat storage.