Cement Mixers: The Indispensable Fixtures on Construction Sites
Whether aware of it or not, as humans we’ve always wanted to leave some sort of legacy for future generations, something to be remembered for, and construction of buildings and cities has always served that purpose. Sure, times have changed, and we now have technology and machinery to rely on to simplify the process for us, but the purpose remains the same. While it’s certainly uplifting to think we’re part of the most advanced and laborious era, people have long used techniques and means in construction that we still use today.
Take cement for instance, the very core of construction as the binder that serves as glue holding materials together. Cement reached its peak during the glory of the Roman Empire, but Romans were in fact using an ancient recipe for a mixture that could be traced all the way back to the years of Ancient Macedonia, which goes to show the making of concrete by mixing cement, sand (or gravel) and water, and bricks was present throughout history.
Considering both cement and mixture easily harden when set in place, making construction work difficult especially at big construction sites, there was the need for the means to prevent them from hardening before they reach the spot which is how cement mixers came to be in the 20th century. Mixers and construction sites are the perfect match, one can’t imagine a construction site without the presence of mixers. As you might imagine, when they first appeared and were gaining in popularity in the construction world, their price didn’t make them suitable for the budgets of many, as opposed to nowadays when you can find a wide range of mixers and make a great deal with a cheap cement mixer.
Since there are different construction works and sizes of construction sites, there are various cement mixers to suit the needs. The most common, the stationary mixers, are powerful and made to create a mixture of concrete while constantly maintaining it homogeneous, and as indicated by their name they stay at a constant place. As opposed to them, the portable (mobile) mixers are created to mix and transport concrete at the same time, stationed at large vehicles, like trucks, constantly in motion so as to keep the mixture in ideal form before stilling it at the desired site.
Higher strengths of concrete are the job for twin shaft mixers, as they are meant to obtain a higher intensity of mixing while still functioning at shorter periods. Vertical axis mixers are ideal for precast and prestressed concrete, and taking their utility into account, they are suitable for the making of smaller concrete batches. And then of course, the typical sight of the construction site, the drum mixer. These mixers are mostly chosen because they operate at higher speeds, producing large quantities of concrete, while still functioning at low costs.
When buying cheap cement mixer, there’s another aspect to have in mind: whether to choose diesel, gas or electrical mixer. Price also comes to play here, with electrical ones being the most affordable option, as the diesel and gas are meant for high capacity industrial applications, equalling expensive operations. However, same as with any tool or machine, no matter the mixer you opt for, it’s important that you’re aware of the hazards and get the proper training for their operation.
As Douglas Coupland, Canadian novelist and artist, said: “If a building looks better under construction than it does when finished, then it’s a failure.”, construction is the decisive process defining the outcome, and having reliable tools and machinery certainly leads to success.