Drop Me Off in the Rollin’ 80’s Cause Retro Roller Skates are Amazing!
There are many reasons behind the popularity of retro roller skates Perth wide. The most common ones being the love for that 80’s disco look and the other one is the pure enjoyment many girls get from skating in circles and bashing each other in the faces and the bonus bruised look makeup you get from it.
But, all jokes aside, roller derby is a legit sport and it has made a huge comeback in the last few years which is why you shouldn’t take the gear lightly and only go for top-notch quality. It goes the same even if you are just a casual skater. Quality gear will make your favourite past time both more enjoyable and safer.
When you are out to buy new retro roller skates Perth wide, you should always turn to shops that specialize in skating gear and have a wide range of skating products and brands, from wheels and boots to helmets and socks. The staff there will be more than happy to assist you with anything you need, but here are some pointers that might make your job easier.
Let’s start with the head. Whether you are a competitive or a casual skater, protection should be your number one priority. First of all don’t worry if you look funny with the helmet on. This is not nearly as important as protecting your noggin and you can always make it look pretty with some custom stickers. What you need to make sure is that it has a hard outer shell and good padding on the inside that meet all the safety standards. But, you also need to make sure that the helmet fits you perfectly, since even the most quality helmet wont protect your head if it’s too big.
Then you need to choose the right boots, plates and wheels. If you are new to the sport, there are per-assembled packages and you just need to choose a pair depending on your needs. There are roller skates built for speed, for indoor use, for jam skating, and so on. Depending on your skating style or level of experience, choose between a tool or a short boot, padding or no padding, vinyl or leather, hard or soft wheels, big or small, and so on. Make sure you consult the staff or online customer support and let them know what you are after.
For some extra protection, I wold strongly advise that you get knee and elbow pads. Those are the areas that suffer the most when you fall while skating, so protecting them may be a good idea. Just like helmets, make sure they fit you perfectly and have a hard plastic cap with thick padding for shock absorption.