Get to Know the Benefits of Infrared Sauna and Make Every Day Spa Day
Though we might think we are more advanced than any other generation of previous centuries, we certainly do seem to lead more stressful lives. Being burdened with more things to do in a day can leave us in the need for a yearlong vacation, our body aching for some rest and relaxation. In search for the solution that would both make life more pleasurable and affect our health positively, there’s no better option than turning to the ingeniousness of ancient people as is the case with the sauna. One can’t think of it without connecting it to the culture of Finns, since even the word itself has a Finnish etymology meaning “bathhouse”. It was such an indispensable part of their lives, that they have proverbs to describe its essence, for instance: “Saun on koha apteet“ – “The sauna is the poor man’s apothecary.”.
As Isak Dinesen (the pen name of Danish Baroness and author Karen von Blixen-Finecke) once said “The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.”. A trip to the sea is the chance for a perfect escape but not everyone can afford it every time they wish to if they live away from it. Giving way to tears can be relieving, but also rather draining emotionally, leaving a sense of emptiness after the crying as well as swollen eyes, whereas giving sweat a chance throughout the day could be just what the doctor ordered.
If you want to make the most of the sauna experience, the option to go for is infrared, the perfect combination of modern technology and ancient relaxing methods. Perhaps the most notable immediate benefits are stress relief and detoxification to convince you to get your own infrared sauna and turn your home into your personal spa. Compact and affordable, they are perfect for any home because they can perfectly fit smaller rooms as well. Just think, any day could be your spa day.
As with any other spa, the infrared sauna, also known as far infrared, works on heat but rather than the process of using heat to warm the air which then warms the body, it heats the body right away through the use of light. Since it works with less heat, it’s convenient for people with heart problems who can’t otherwise make use of a sauna, at least not the traditional one because the heart rate increases as much as it would during a workout session. This means some time in the sauna equals exercise but without all the physical effort. If you’re not much of a sportsperson, it’s a win-win.
The sauna is known to purify the skin, thus it rejuvenates it, and relieves the tension which affects the levels of the stress hormone cortisol and lowers them significantly. People with muscle tension, arthritis and hypertension can also feel it ameliorates their problems. Taking all the benefits into consideration, getting your own sauna is more than a worthy investment because it improves the overall well-being.