Make the Most of Your Living Room With the Right Lounge Furniture - aLittleBitOfAll
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Make the Most of Your Living Room With the Right Lounge Furniture

lounge furniture

Make the Most of Your Living Room With the Right Lounge Furniture

Some may say that it’s too expensive and too impractical to follow interior design trends with all the furniture pieces and decorative elements you need to change quite often in order to be trendy. After all, this isn’t clothes we’re talking about (and we all looove buying a new piece of clothes every now and then), so I can agree with the notion that it’s somehow, expensive. But think of it this way: if you can’t afford to change your furniture every year or so, then you most certainly can be creative and add a dose of trendiness here and there to refresh the appearance of your rooms and keep up with current trends. Just like in clothing, accessories are the key. However, if you don’t have the proper base for your taste (likes and admirations in interior design), you won’t be able to pull this off. Again, just like when you look to dress up trendy and fashionable, but still be you. So, lets tackle the process of becoming a trendy interior design guru who knows how to get the most of a room with few simple tricks. In the focus in this post: your living room.

Choose Lounge Furniture That’s Just ‘YOU’

My husband used to say that it’s important for a couple to choose the furniture in their home together, because it’s going to be them living there, so it should be beautiful to them, not to the neighbours, relatives or parents. Or magazine editors for that matter! And I agree on this, but while your personal preferences might not change much over time, the design of the furniture will. For example, leather lounge furniture would always be the preferable choice of people who admire the classy room style, and an upholstered three piece lounge set with wooden or metal legs would be the first choice of people who lean more towards the vintage, hipstery and modern interior design styles. It’s important to pay attention to this when you choose your lounge furniture because when later on, when you are sure to add new decorative pieces, the furniture should be able to match them in style. Which leads me to my next point.

You Can Always Change the Decorations

And by decorations in the living room I mean rugs, pillows, blankets, flower arrangements, candles and all sorts of other elements that enhance the room’s appearance. Pillows and blankets can always be in the colour of the walls, or complementing the rug and in this way creating kind of a décor cohesion. With flowers you can manipulate the colour pattern of the room as much as you want: red roses, pink ones, or just good old greenery? That can easily be your eye-catching element of the room. Point is, no matter how trends change, you can always play with the decorations if you want to make a change in your living room.

Finally, don’t be a blind follower of all trends. You will like some things more than others, and some trends would be just plain simple and repulsive to your idea of good-looking and fancy. Just follow your likes and preferences and choose the smart way to enhance the chosen interior design scheme.

Stephanie Tierney