All You Need to Know about Maintaining Your BMX Bike
Riding all day can take its tool on your bike and that is why regular maintenance is required to make sure your bike is in top condition whenever you are out riding. There are a few tricks that you can use to check the condition of your bike so you can see whether any parts need to be replaced and how to maintain the rest of your bike so it lasts you a long time. It’s also very important to run regular check-ups on your bike before riding as you might be putting yourself at risk if any parts should happen to break while riding.
First things first, you should always make sure that your bike is clean since accumulating dust and dirt can be damaging to many of your Bmx parts. You might think a power hose is a good idea for a quick clean as it is super fast at removing any dirt and the water gets to many hard to reach places, however, it is better to use a garden hose with low pressure to make sure the water doesn’t get to the bearings, as power hoses tend to do, and dilute the lubricants. The best option is to wash it with a sponge by hand as it isn’t damaging to any parts and it gives you the opportunity to inspect your bike in more detail.
As for the wheels, you should play very close attention since there are many working parts that might become a problem. Both rims should be checked for deformation and cracks regularly because performing jumping tricks while using a cracked rim can result in you hurting yourself. So, it’s always a good idea to have spare Bmx parts to be able to change them whenever you need to. Also, spokes should regularly be checked for damaged or loose spokes since incorrectly tensioned spokes can also cause rim deformation. Loose spokes can be detected by spinning the wheels and lightly tapping the spokes with a metal object. A loose spoke will make a much more subdued sound than a properly tightened spoke.
Another crucial part that needs to be maintained is the chain. You can clean it by using a rag, no special degreasers or solvents are required. The most important part about the chain is that it should remain properly lubricated to prevent wear and corrosion thus ensuring your chain runs smoothly. To apply the lubricant, simply rotate the chain by cranking the pedals – this will help you distribute the lubricant evenly throughout the chain. Also make sure that you chain isn’t too tight, it should be able to move 1 cm up and down – no more than that. If it’s too tight and it might break to become loose and fall off.