Puppy Troubles: How to Prevent Your Pup from Excessive Barking
Adopting a new pup is all fun and games until it starts barking at anything and everything. This is unacceptable behaviour and can become very annoying. However, there are many solutions to this problem. Some will work better than others because not every puppy is the same. Don’t expect results overnight, just be consistent and you’ll get there.
Why is the Dog Barking?
There are plenty of reasons why a dog barks all the time. It doesn’t necessarily have to be something dangerous or intimidating, it depends on its surroundings and the pup’s character. One of the reasons is that the dog might be territorial or protective. When someone or something enters what the dog considers its territory, it can trigger excessive barking and alertness.
Barking can also be an alarm of fear. Some unexpected noises or objects can catch the dog’s attention and startle it. This is something that can happen not only in the house but outdoors as well. Sometimes barking is caused by loneliness and boredom. There are breeds that don’t like being alone and want your full attention.
In some cases, barking can be their way of saying hello. It’s usually a happy bark and doesn’t last for a long time. There are a lot of dogs that use barking to seek your attention, such as going to play outside, going to the bathroom, or when they want a treat. Separation anxiety is a real problem with some dog breeds. When left alone, they turn to excessive barking.
How to Prevent Barking?

Buy a Bark Collar
These collars are a controversial subject in the pet world. Owners and dog trainers have mixed feelings about them. However, no matter what they say, one thing is for sure, they’re an effective way to stop your dog from barking. They’re suitable for bigger dogs, but you can also find compact and lightweight small dog bark collars for the smaller breeds.
The main reason for the divided opinions is the way these collars work. They basically send small electric currents through the dog’s neck when the dog starts barking. However, manufacturers have greatly improved the techniques and levels of intensity on these collars, so there’s no need to fear for your dog’s safety.
The small dog bark collars are carefully measured and are less intense than the ones for bigger breeds. The intensity is usually calculated according to the dog’s breed, size, and weight. You can control the collar with a remote. You can activate it with a simple push of a button. You can change the settings and increase or lower the intensity as well.
This collar is usually the last resort for dog owners who have tried everything they could. It also used for dogs that have a bad habit of scratching or biting the furniture, running away, or pulling at anything and everything. There are cases where the dog runs away somehow and this can lead to a lot of trouble for both the dog and the owner.
If this has happened to you, use this collar to train the dog not to cross the fence or the yard. It will speed up the training process and cut it down from several months to just a few weeks. It gives you the liberty to control and command the dog without using a leash. Plus, the dog will feel a bit frier when it’s not tied down.
You won’t need to chase the dog or yell at it any longer. You can simply give it feedback for its actions through a small, mild shockwave. It’s very important to be safe with this collar. The dog may be scared at first and react with panic. However, don’t give up, take the time so the dog can adjust to the bark collar for small dogs, and start with the lowest intensity to see their reaction. Give your puppy time to adjust and reward it with a treat for a job well done.
Ignore the Bark
Ignoring the bark usually works for dogs that have all of their needs met. They’ve been fed, had their water, went for a walk, played or had your attention for a long time. Let’s say for example that your dog wants some attention and starts barking. You can use the small dog bark collars, but you can also try silence.
To teach it that this will not be a good way to get your attention, turn around. Look away and don’t react in any way. Keep quiet and there’s a big chance that the pup will stop barking. It’ll realise this is not the way and try another method. This might not be a very fast way to deal with barking because it requires time and patience but it works.
Remove the Dog from the Trigger Area
This is a more immediate solution. It will help you in certain situations. If there are construction workers around your house and the dog is playing in the yard, get some of its toys and place them on the other side of the yard to get its attention. If this doesn’t work, try going indoors. Change its surroundings so it doesn’t look at strangers. This is not a long-term solution but will work in specific trigger situations.
Give Attention When Quiet

A lot of dog trainers and experts advise that you ignore the urge to follow your dog to find out what it wants. This is a habit that will make your dog bark to get what it wants. Be patient and let the dog get quiet. Then, verbalise what you think it wants, such as “walk”, “food” or “outside. This will create a connection between the silence and the dog’s brain and it’ll figure out that that’s the way it should communicate.
Try Treats and Toys
Treats and toys may not be as effective as the anti-bark collar for small dogs but they’ll help for sure. Giving toys and treats in situations where another dog passes by, when the doorbell rings, or when meeting new people is an effective way to keep the dog’s attention on you instead of the strangers. This will grow into a habit and even when you don’t have a treat at hand, the dog will still look at you.
Introduce a Quiet Zone
A quiet zone is great for dogs with anxiety, stranger-danger stress, and barrier frustration. Create a quiet zone by adding a crate or bed so the pup can lay down and relax, add some toys or the feeding bowl to keep its mouth busy and something that will mask the exterior noise. This is a very effective way to calm your dog and stop it from barking.