Running Gear: Fashion Forward Trends That Truly Go the Distance
What’s great about running is that it’s one of the cheapest sports you can possibly participate in. There’s no need for special equipment other than a pair of quality running shoes. This however, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t look into running gear and see if it will make running a more convenient experience for you. Seeing all those experienced runners wearing and talking about all that special running gear can be overwhelming, so in this particular guide, we’re going to discuss which gear is essential and which is optional. There are plenty of web sites that sell running gear online, so you can either order from one of them, or just have a look of what you might need and what you might want to try when you go to a retail store.
- When shopping for running gear online or in a retail store, on the top of your list should be a pair of running shoes – the single most important thing if you want to go running. Running shoes offer stability and comfort that other type of shoes will not. When you go shopping for running shoes, try different models and take a jog around the shop; a few awkward minutes at the price of knowing you get max value out of them is well worth it.
- A sports bra is essential for female runners. These are specifically designed to keep your breasts as immobile as humanly possible to prevent pain. Wearing the incorrect sports bra will not only cause breast pain, but can also cause pain in your arms, shoulders, neck and upper back. If running is painful, chances are you will soon quit doing it, so you want to avoid this at all costs.
- Compression gear is not necessarily essential, but it can come in quite handy. Running results in sweating, profuse sweating, thus, clothes made of cotton are not your best option, since they will stick to your body and it’s going to be uncomfortable. Compression gear will draw the moisture from your body and keep you cool during summer and warm during winter. It improves oxygenation which will reduce fatigue and quicken muscle repair.
- Optimal accessories include ankle and knee braces. This might actually be essential for people who have problems with their knees and ankles. It’s also a good idea to buy these accessories as a manner of precaution if you’re running for extended periods of time in order to keep your knees or ankles intact and injury free.
- A bottle of water can be very useful, especially when running in summer. While running you lose a lot of fluids, so you’ll want to stay hydrated at all times.