Steel Toe Boots: Protecting Your Feet the Right Way
We all think we have it tough at work, right? But the truth is that some jobs can be a bit tougher than others. According to a research, jobs involving mental acuity and public service hold the position of toughest jobs in today’s modern Australian society. But most of us still link hard work with physical strength like lifting and moving different types of heavy materials and tools. Well, it’s not untrue that these are jobs where workers are exposed to a great number potential hazards. That is why these are also considered among the top 20 toughest jobs in Australia.
What makes working in industries like construction, mining, farming, shipyard, and warehouse difficult is that there is a constant danger of rolling and falling objects hurting your feet. Due to the nature of these labor-intensive jobs, proper foot protection is a must. Said proper protection comes in the form of steel toe boots with a reinforced toe.
As the name itself suggests, steel toe boots are work boots that have a steel cap over the toe. These are made to prevent accidents at work that can cause some serious damage to your feet, whether it’s from a heavy object, like a 2-pound hammer or a piece of broken construction material falling on your feet or heavy moving machinery moving over your toes. In fact, foot injuries are among the leading causes of workplace injuries, especially among new workers. But when wearing a sturdy and reliable pair of steel toe boots you can have a piece of mind knowing that your feet are safe.
Construction workers spend their entire workday on feet. By comparison, construction workers take up to 30,000 steps a day, while most people take an average of 10,000. This is why apart from being protected, it’s also important for one to feel comfortable in their shoes. Wearing improper footwear can lead to developing flat feet, arch problems, blisters, and calluses. To prevent this from happening, safety work boots usually feature extra arch support and padding as to provide more support than regular shoes. This way the wearer can focus more on the job being done. Being waterproofed and insulated also adds to the comfort.
Also, steel toe booths don’t look ugly as they sound, actually, they can look good on your feet. They are no longer the bulky, large boots of the past that can make you feel like a villain in a crime movie. Nowadays, you can find them in different colors and styles, so it’s safe to say that they can kinda look trendy while being very functional.
Although at first, these boots may look like a regular pair of working boots, what sets them apart is that they should all meet the Australian standard for safety footwear and undergo numerous tests in order to handle the pressure and impact. It’s obvious that your feet are your foundation, so you really need to make the effort and protect them in the best possible way.
Next, as construction workers are constantly walking on hard surfaces, filled with dangerous items such as shards of glass and nails, steel toe work boots with puncture-resistant anti-fatigue insoles sure come in very handy. These provide the much-needed protection from objects that can penetrate and potentially stab workers – the last thing that one wants is a stubbed toe that could have been avoided by wearing quality, steel toe boots.
When looking through the different options of steel cap boots for sale, there are some things you should consider. Working boots with the right fit won’t cause foot strain during your workday. Those that are too short or narrow will pinch your feet and can be uncomfortable to wear. Also, boots that are too tight will rub and cause blisters on your feet. To prevent this from happening, try on working boots later in the day as feet naturally swell during the day so footwear that fits well in the morning may not feel the same later on.
On a final note, always remember to follow the footwear’s instructions for properly maintaining your safety work boots. Each week, check your boots for signs of cracks, tears or harsh wear. If you spot any signs that your boots have been worn out then you need to replace them with a new pair as these by themselves can be the cause for additional hazards. For instance, worn tread could expose the employee to slips, trips, and fall or if the material across the steel toe becomes ripped or torn it may cause a shift in the toe caps themselves thus reducing their protectiveness.