Tips for What to Wear Rollerblading
If you’ve been on the lookout for a new hobby that will get you off the couch and make you more active, rollerblading is definitely one you should try out. It is a fun, liberating way to spice up your exercise routine! However, if you’re just starting out, it’s important to have the proper safety gear. If you’re a seasoned veteran, you know that practising a few safety measures can help ensure a happy and healthy rollerblading experience for many years to come!
Pick Proper Skates

Before anything else, a good fitting skate is an absolute must. If your rollerblades are not fitted correctly you can end up with a bad injury or even worse, ruin your skating experience. When you put your skates on, make sure the boot is sitting snugly on your foot; if it’s not, try tightening or loosening the laces. When you step into the skate, push all the way down into it, then tighten up the laces. You want them to be snug but not uncomfortably tight; if they’re too loose, you’re more likely to fall off. The part of the lace that’s closest to the sole of your shoe should be just a little bit tighter than the part closer to your ankle.
Don’t Shy Away From Safety Gear

When we start a new sport, most of us are too shy to wear safety gear. We think it’s uncool, or we think it makes us look like beginners, or we think it doesn’t blend in with our outfit. All of that is wrong. Safety gear does not look out of place on a rollerblade, any more than pads on a hockey player look out of place on the ice. Rollerblade protective gear is functional – it makes you safer. It does not make you look like a beginner; if anything, not wearing safety gear makes you look like a beginner. It doesn’t clash with the rest of your outfit; it goes with everything because everyone should be wearing it.
One of the most important decisions a rollerblader can make is what to wear and how to wear it. Wearing the wrong thing at the wrong time and in the wrong place can be very dangerous, sometimes even life-threatening.
A helmet is the most important piece of rollerblade protective gear you can wear. Be sure your helmet fits properly and is well ventilated, and replace it if it has been in a crash. It should cover your forehead and temples (most helmets come with optional add-on pads that provide extra padding). Helmets that cover only your forehead are not sufficient protection against serious head injuries.
You should also wear knee pads and wrist guards. Knee pads should protect both the patella (kneecap) and the quadriceps (the muscles above and below your knees). Wrist guards should include padding covering your lower forearm, where most cuts occur while skating on rough surfaces. Wear strong shoes with sturdy ankle support to avoid ankle sprains, which are one of the most common injuries for bladers. Shoes made specifically for rollerblading are best. Your shoes should have removable toe stops or be made with recessed toe boxes so they don’t get caught in cracks while you’re skating on rough surfaces.
You Also Need to Wear the Right Clothes

When you go rollerblading, another viral thing to consider is what you are going to wear. What kind of clothes are best for rollerblading? The first thing you need to think about when choosing clothes for rollerblading is how much coverage you will need. If you are just going for a quick ride around the neighbourhood, you can probably get away with wearing shorts and a t-shirt. However, if you are planning on doing some serious rollerblading, or if it is cold outside, or if you are going to be on rough terrain, then longer pants may be a better option.
While choosing the right clothing for rollerblading, you should keep in mind that you will sweat during your exercise session. The clothing should be moisture-wicking so it can get rid of sweat quickly to prevent dehydration. Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton mixed with lycra spandex or nylon. Avoid wearing bulky layers of clothing because they will slow you down when skating. Instead, buy clothing that allows you to have a full range of motion without feeling restricted in any way. This will help prevent accidents and injuries while rollerblading.
Find a Safe Place to Practice

It is essential that you find a safe place to practice rollerblading. A parking lot with smooth surfaces and few people is your best choice. If you can’t find a parking lot, you can practice on the sidewalk next to the road, but it’s important that there be very little traffic.
If you choose to rollerblade on a street, there are two main variables affecting the safety of your trail/course/area: visibility, and traffic. Place your first course in an area with good visibility. The more drivers can see you, the more time they have to react. Remember that there are all different kinds of drivers, some better than others at spotting things in their peripheral vision.
If you place your course on the side of the road where cars come toward you, you will maximize your chances of being seen by people who are not looking for you. Rollerbladers are hard to spot – especially if drivers aren’t looking for skaters — because we’re lower than cars and often moving fast, and also because we don’t look like any other vehicle out there (which is true). A driver passing by at 35 mph or more has less than half a second to spot you and react before they might hit you. That’s not long enough to notice something like a person standing still against a solid backdrop like a wall or building, but it is long enough to notice someone who is moving or far off against an open background like grass or sky.
You should also try to stay away from things you might fall into, such as pools or lakes. If you decide to blade at night, make sure your area/path is well lit so you don’t miss any holes or bumps and injure yourself.
To Sum It Up

You can keep safe while rollerblading by following a few simple rules, but it’s going to take some effort on your part. It might seem obvious, but wearing the right type of protective gear is a good place to start. You don’t need a full set of armour to roll safely, but a helmet, wrist guards and knee pads will go a long way in helping protect you from serious injuries. Beyond that, choosing safe routes to skate on and taking some pre-emptive steps to avoid hazards are also important parts of the equation. As well as being aware of your surroundings at all times. A little effort can take you a long way here.