Organic Lifestyle: A Little Bit of Bamboo Fabric as the Ideal for Babies
You've heard the saying before, as soft as a baby's bottom. Well, it came to be because babies really have a soft skin, having in mind it was well protected from damage all the time while inside the womb. However, as soon as they come to the world, you can't expect that soft skin to always stay that soft unless you take proper care of it, starting from giving them a massage right after baths, the timing when the skin can hold up moisture, along with using adequate eco-friendly products, to prevent sunburns, and diaper rashes. There's also the aspect of clothing, and accessories, so it's important to ditch synthetics and opt for organic bamboo: from baby bamboo wrap, and towels, to onesies, hats, gloves, anything and everything bamboo.
29 June, 2018