Bye Sugar, Hello Natural Sugar Substitutes: Pave Your Path of a Healthy Diet
We can’t deny it’s a thing of pride we’re living in societies where people are finally paying more attention to the development of healthy day by day habits, thanks to getting more informed about the necessity of staying physically active. Combine that with the proper amount of sleep per day, and a healthy well-balanced diet, and presto change-o, you’re in the perfect shape! It all seems ideal, but for one important detail: as long as you don’t control the sugar intake, you can’t exactly expect the ideal outcome and be able to cut down on the health risks altogether. According to the World Health Organisation, the recommended daily dose of sugar is only 25g (about six teaspoons to be exact), which most Australians are far from considering the daily intake per Australian is staggering 60g (14 teaspoons) on average. The scarier part of the statistics is that of teenagers, whose intake (particularly that of males) exceeds the 60g for about 30g. It’s not always easy to give up the sugar addiction, or cut it down to the allowed dosage, especially not for people with a sweet tooth (don’t we all have it), but if you really want to get the great starting point, avoid soft drinks, processed cakes and sweets, and, most importantly, replace the refined white stuff with sugar substitutes natural in substance.
18 July, 2017