Help Your Toddler: The Transition from Crib to Cot Bed
As soon as you become a parent, you learn what it really means for that little bundle of joy to become the centre of your world. As soon as your baby enters home, there's no doubt everything changes, particularly your sleep routines. Since most babies wake up throughout the night, parents usually find it easier if they either co-sleep on the family bed, or in a crib in the same room, with some exceptions that is, that prefer to have a nursery. Since by sleeping in their own bedrooms kids have more chances of getting independent earlier on, learning important lessons like how to become organised, it's better to go for the nursery option as early as possible. However, if you go through the transition in the toddler phase, be prepared for dealing with some anxiety, both on your and your toddler's part. You can easily take care of yours with toddler bed rails.
02 November, 2017