Mitchell and Ness: Take Your Streetwear Style to the Next Level
In a constant search for a perfect combination of comfort and style, fashion has been diving into the world of streetwear, looking for inspiration, as well as new ways of expression through clothes and footwear. Streetwear is of course nothing new. Young people around the world have been wearing it for decades now, breaking the rules of the established fashion styles, expressing their freedom and youth, as well as their world views and the subcultures they follow.
There are many ways to incorporate this style into your own, and one of the favourite ones, especially amongst young people, as well as amongst sports enthusiasts, is to combine sportswear with other types of casual and urban wear. With good and respected brands like Mitchell & Ness, you can easily achieve the look, regardless of whether you are looking for trendy but cool outfits for going out, or for a specific activity such as hip-hop or another style of urban dancing, skateboarding, BMX riding, etc.

If you are looking for a new fresh, casual and fashionable style, streetwear is the way to go. This style isn’t hard to accomplish, but it does take a little bit of research if you want to incorporate it in a unique way. To begin with, you can visit the Mitchell & Ness online store and get a couple of good quality sportswear pieces, find a good urban wear shop to get printed t-shirts, casual pants, etc. Then, to make it your own, you can simply mix it with your favourite casual garments from your wardrobe, as well as your handbags and other accessories, or you can even take a risk and go for high heels or any unexpected item. The goal is to create appealing, casual, surprising, comfortable and very on-trend outfits.
Mitchell and Ness’ Journey to Authentic and Recognisable Fashion
An American clothing company that creates clothing related to sport, Mitchell and Ness was established in 1904. Back then the label was manufacturing sports equipment, and by 1933, they established what will turn out to be 30 years long partnership with the Philadelphia Eagles, providing the team with uniforms. A few years later they entered professional baseball when they started producing uniforms for the Philadelphia Athletics, and not long after the Phillies.
The Mitchell and Ness company decided to go a different way in 1985 when started selling authentic and historically-accurate vintage baseball jerseys and apparel. The idea happened thanks to a request by a customer, who asked for a couple of his old game-worn jerseys to be repaired. Today, the company, which changed its name to Mitchell & Ness Nostalgia Co., continues to offer historically authentic vintage jerseys, with licence agreements with the biggest sports leagues in the US, the NBA, NFL MLB, NCAA and MLS. But, aside from the recreated vintage team jerseys and shorts, they also offer their own brand of sportswear.
Mitchell and Ness Label Products

Of course, you can use the garments that can be found at a Mitchell & Ness online store for working out, doing sports or other activities. However, if you are looking for a way to take your streetwear style to a next level, or you want to try to add a little edge into your casual style, their products are the perfect place to look. Along with other sportswear garments and shoes, such as sweatshirts, hoodies, jackets or tracksuits famous jerseys, such as the ones worn by some of the NBA legends loved by many across the globe, are a big part of the streetwear style.
Mitchell and Ness in Streetwear Fashion
It is present not only amongst young people on the streets, but also amongst pop musicians, hip-hop artists, dancers, and so on. You can see sportswear garment including vintage jerseys and other Mitchell and Ness clothes in outfits combined with work boots, skate shoes, a wide range of fashion accessories including hats, knit caps, scarfs, and so on.
Streetwear Is Important and for Everyone

Some people who are into casual fashion are trying to steer clear of streetwear, thinking that it’s something that only teenagers should embrace, or that they are the only ones who can look good in them. However, in recent years, streetwear has become a huge part of fashion, and nowadays many people around the world, including trendsetters, have embraced the trend. So, today all kinds of streetwear, urban wear and sportswear items have moved from the streets, and subcultures and counter-cultures, to the runway and subsequently – as it often happens – everywhere around us.
Throughout the years, ever since the 1970s, this hard-to-define style has been changing and adopting new traits from different cultures around the world, including the skateboarding scene, the surfer scene, the hip-hop scene, the punk scene, etc. But even though it’s evolving persistently, some characteristics always stay the same. We can say that the style is rooted in sportswear, with garments such as hoodies, t-shirts, jerseys, sweatshirts, tracksuits, etc. and mixed with clothing and footwear from different styles that embrace items characteristic for the working people. Streetwear is always comfortable, purposeful, and generally, it’s a statement.