From big ships and planes to fences and tandem trailers welding is widely used to bring both small and big structures together with the help of heat and electricity.
Have you ever tried to glue two popsicle sticks together in arts and crafts? Well, welding is sort of like that, except it isn't at all. In all seriousness, welding is a craft that like any other requires a lot of experience under your belt, and hundreds of hours of practice to be able to master it. Before you are able to do that however, you will need to get the right tools to help you get started.
Aside from the many different types of available welding torches, there is also a large assortment of other items as well. While there are many welding tools you can get that can be perfect for the certain task that they are specifically designed for, they can all be generally divided into two groups – Protection gear and Shaping equipment.