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Health & Beauty

Without a doubt, a smile can make a lasting impression. Either a positive, or a negative one, depending on the state of your teeth. The bad news is that not everyone is blessed with a dazzling Hollywood smile. But the good news is that unlike a few decades ago, modern dentistry is so advanced that there's no issue that can't be fixed. The most common problem today are teeth imperfections in the form of discolouration, cracks and chips which not only have a bad effect on your appearance, but can also lead to more complicated dental issues and affect your overall health. Dental veneers are one of the best ways to not only cover up these imperfections but also prevent further damage. Furthermore, a teeth veneer can be applied to perfect the shape of a noticeably smaller tooth, or one that's misaligned. In some cases when teeth are only slightly misaligned, veneers can also be used as a better alternative to braces.
The National Stoke Foundation has predicted that in 2017 there will be more than 55 000 new and recurrent strokes and as much as 470 000 people living with the effects of stroke. In fact, stroke is the leading cause of disability in Australia. After a stroke has left a person disabled, what were once simple tasks now demand a lot of time and great effort. However, that doesn’t mean that the person cannot lead a normal life anymore.
We can’t deny it’s a thing of pride we’re living in societies where people are finally paying more attention to the development of healthy day by day habits, thanks to getting more informed about the necessity of staying physically active. Combine that with the proper amount of sleep per day, and a healthy well-balanced diet, and presto change-o, you’re in the perfect shape! It all seems ideal, but for one important detail: as long as you don’t control the sugar intake, you can’t exactly expect the ideal outcome and be able to cut down on the health risks altogether. According to the World Health Organisation, the recommended daily dose of sugar is only 25g (about six teaspoons to be exact), which most Australians are far from considering the daily intake per Australian is staggering 60g (14 teaspoons) on average. The scarier part of the statistics is that of teenagers, whose intake (particularly that of males) exceeds the 60g for about 30g. It’s not always easy to give up the sugar addiction, or cut it down to the allowed dosage, especially not for people with a sweet tooth (don’t we all have it), but if you really want to get the great starting point, avoid soft drinks, processed cakes and sweets, and, most importantly, replace the refined white stuff with sugar substitutes natural in substance.
The life of modern day people is full of activities as soon as the morning alarm clock goes off. A day full of errands and work related tasks is a guarantee, however no matter how much we’re out and about, we can’t deny we’re all prone to sedentary lifestyles either at the workplace or at home. This is due to the dependency we have of electronics, whether in the form of TV, laptop or tablet. It’s only natural that eventually not staying active enough and rather sitting it out, resulting in getting overweight, would lead to certain health issues, back pain primarily.
There is much art in enhancing the beauty that mother nature has already given you. Taking care of your body both from the outside and within is the first step towards creating a more beautiful and radiating you. Eating healthy, drinking lots of water and pampering yourself every now and then with the right beauty skin treatments is a good way to start taking care of your body. After all, it's the only place you got to live in, so you might as well make it look its finest. The skin in particular, often requires special attention as there are so many things that can damage it - UV rays, pollution, cosmetic products based on artificial ingredients, and the list goes on and on. Having a great skin care routine is the first step to keeping it healthy and glowing. But, in many cases, this alone is not enough to get rid of all the annoying acne scars, dark spots, wrinkles and blemishes.
I could accept a bad hairstyle day or a pair of jeans that the last time they were trendy was the time when Christina Aguilera wore everything but clothes, but I could never in a million years accept wearing an ugly bag! I mean, going out with the wrong bag for the outfit? I'd feel committing a fashion crime and so incomplete! All the bags I have in my closet are there for a reason: some of them are simple, big and roomy which makes them perfect for my work outfit as in them I can keep my snack, a bottle of water, my wallet, keys and a few cosmetic essentials. Others are tiny and stylish, so I wear them usually when I go out. However, whether I choose a tote, a flap or a shopper bag, I always make sure it's functional, affordable and most importantly - that it reflects my personal style.
I think it's easy to say that our summer oven has been heated for a long time now and we actually need a little break from it but apparently summer wants us nothing less than medium to well done. Besides the heat, we also have to deal with unbearable humidity that apart from making us toss and turn in our beds at night, it annoyingly plays with our hair and sometimes all a girl wants is to achieve a straight hairstyle, but with our lovely Australian humidity that's literally impossible. And don't even get me started on blow dryers... But then again, who needs dryers with this heat, right? Our blow dryer is the one and only Sun and it won't let us enjoy the pleasure of cold water drops after the shower since it immediately makes them disappear.
Even though I love being a woman, there are certain annoying parts of this experience that sometimes make it extremely hard for me to enjoy my womanhood. Removing the unwanted hair from my body and face is definitely one of them, and I know that every lady feels the same way. But just so things can be much more fun (sarcasm detected), Mother Nature has blessed some of us with thin and light eyebrows, which is why aside from plucking them we also need to fill in them. Well, at least we did. Today, the time-consuming routine of eyebrow penciling can be easily escaped with the help of permanent make-up. Yes, I'm talking about cosmetic tattooing. In case you didn't know, cosmetic tattooing is the revolutionary procedure of applying natural pigments into the dermal layer of a person's skin. It's a method that's medically proven and carefully designed to be safe.

A friend of mine recently took me to a sauna. She had been talking and constantly complaining about the fact that there is no sauna in the gym we go to, so she took matters in her hands and arranged a little treat for us...

We go on with our lives day in and day out, giving our full attention to work and everyday problems without spending the least bit of time taking care of ourselves. I know I speak for most, because I used to be a person who always put optimal well-being as top priority and only then everything else. That was until things got more demanding at work, technology changes brought for program and schedule changes so let’s just say my job stopped being so fun and turned into too serious all of a sudden which left me little to no time to actually pay attention to a tooth that’s been giving me some trouble. oral_health