Divinely Feminine DIY Fragrances: Summon Your Senses with Uncommon Scents
“I can’t over-emphasize how important an exquisite perfume is, to be wrapped and cradled in an enchanting scent upon your skin is a magic all on its own! The notes in that precious liquid will remind you that you love yourself and will tell other people that they ought to love you because you know that you’re worth it. The love affair created by a good perfume between you and other people, you and nature, you and yourself, you and your memories and anticipations and hopes and dreams; it is all too beautiful a thing!”
― C. JoyBell C.
Can you imagine a world where no two women smell the same? Well, this can become a possible fragrant mission only if essential oils are included in the storyline. Women love to creatively pick and choose their perfumes, but wouldn’t it be even more creative to make it on your own? If you don’t want to blend with the rest of the scents, if you couldn’t care less for fancy perfume names cause someone else has access to the same, if you feel as if your creativity is the fragrance of your freedom, you are, my dear, a modern-day Renaissance Woman. What’s more, store-bought perfumes are packed with chemicals that are really bad news for your hormonal balance, respiration system and skin. Therefore, you need to buy only 100% pure essential oils online stores have many of these available.
Individuality and authenticity are rare wild roses, and if your wish is to smell as if you had invisible rose petal wings with lots of indistinguishable notes in between, the guidelines below are all you need to know. All that is required from you for this project is a small glass bottle, several essential oils, a little imagination and tons of patience since your signature scent baby will take 6 weeks to mature.
Just like many of the regular perfumes, your DIY fragrance should have 3 notes: base, middle and top. There aren’t strict rules for this, but it’s better to consider thin oils, such as jojoba or almond for the base, something warm, like sandalwood, lavender or damask rose for the middle and something refreshing like lemon, orange or tea tree for the last final strike. The order in which you put the essential oils in the bottle has everything to do with the final result. If, for instance, you take 3 different bottles and you put the same 3 essential oils in each of them, but in different order, you’ll get 3 different scents.
The base notes go first in the bottle, then the middle, and then the top. You can choose more than one oil for the creation of each note. If you want to create more fragrance, mix 1 oz of distilled water with 1 oz of the oil you have chosen as base note. Then, add 5 drops form the oil(s) you’ve chosen for the middle and just 3 drops from each of those you want at the top. Close the bottle and store it somewhere safe from direct sunlight. Reopen it after 6 weeks for best results, but if you are really in a hurry, 48 hours will do.
Once you start using your first natural perfume, you’ll know whether this is your perfect combination, or maybe the search has just begun. In that case, worry not, there are so many essential oils online stores abound with, you’re sure to find the recipe that spells your name, wraps you in intriguing aliveness and burns you with Renaissance flame.