The Whats and Hows of Multivitamin Supplements for Women - aLittleBitOfAll
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The Whats and Hows of Multivitamin Supplements for Women

girl taking vitamins

The Whats and Hows of Multivitamin Supplements for Women

The adage that a balanced vitamin intake leads to a healthy body and mind is true. Even with a healthy and nourishing diet, women frequently lack a balance of nutrients in their bodies. Therefore, vitamin supplements can boost your overall health and lower the chance of developing major health issues. But which vitamins should you take daily? Enter multivitamins!

What are Multivitamins?

woman's hand full of vitamins of different types

If you feel sick more often and it takes an eternity to recover from illness, your doctor may advise you to take a multivitamin for women to boost your immunity and fill your nutrient gaps. But what are these?

Multivitamins are dietary supplements that typically include a variety of vitamins and minerals, sometimes alongside other ingredients. Since there is no established definition of a multivitamin, each brand and product have a unique nutrient profile.

Other names for multivitamins include multiples, multis, and just vitamins. They come in a variety of forms, including liquids, chewable gummies, powders, tablets, and capsules. Most multivitamins need to be taken once or twice a day! Make sure you read the label and abide by the dosage recommendations. They can be found in brick-and-mortar pharmacies, big box discount stores, supermarkets as well as online.

Which Vitamins Are Most Important?

Vitamin A

groceries rich with vitamin A

Vitamin A, also known as retinol, is a potent antioxidant that promotes vision especially in low light, along with healthy skin, and a strong immune system. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and melons are among the healthy dietary options.

Vitamin B

The eight B vitamins support healthy brain function, focus, and memory while also assisting the body in converting food into fuel. They might also lessen tension, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Lean meats, eggs, and whole grains are examples of healthy food sources.

Vitamin C

groceries rich with vitamin C

Vitamin C supports strong connective tissues in the skin and joints, which may speed up wound healing and lessen bruises. In addition, it protects against colds. Red peppers, kiwis, strawberries, and citrus fruits are among the healthy dietary options.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D controls the body’s levels of calcium and phosphorus, which makes it crucial for preserving appropriate bone density. Additionally, it is necessary for both the immune and nervous systems to work properly. About half of the world’s population suffers from severe vitamin D deficiency. While certain foods, such as eggs, oily salmon, and mushrooms, may contain smaller levels of vitamin D, most of them come from the sun!


Zinc is a crucial component of enzymes, proteins, and cells. It is essential for maintaining a robust immune system and promotes skin health and wound healing. Zinc is necessary for healthy taste and fragrance. Dark chocolate, spinach, and oysters are all excellent food sources.

What Are the Benefits of Taking a Multi Vitamin?

Boost Immunity

Vitamin A and other nutrients work as antioxidants to stop free radicals, which rip away cells. This strengthens the immune system and keeps the body germ-free, reducing the chance of issues like aging.

Fill Nutritional Deficiencies

Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin B, and others can cause dangerous symptoms and illnesses. These deficiencies can be avoided by taking multivitamin for women containing these elements, which can also help prevent other dangerous conditions like pellagra, scurvy, anaemia, and more.

Improve Mood and Prevents Depression

girl holding a bottle of multivitamins in her hand

Vitamin B6 is a crucial component required for the synthesis of serotonin and GABA. A lack of these might lead to a mood imbalance that causes depression. Vitamin B6-rich multivitamins can help to lessen these symptoms and boost mood.

Improve Skin and Hair

Some of the supplements that enhance the health of the skin by lowering inflammation and producing new cells include vitamin C and nicotinamide. Biotin, on the other hand, aids in fat reduction for strong, healthy hair and nails.

How and Who Should Take It

Numerous multivitamins have specialized in recent years, focusing on consumers of particular ages, genders, or levels of exercise. All in all, multivitamin for women should be taken by the following categories.


To promote muscle recovery and any fitness-related objectives, women who lead physically active lifestyles require more nutrition than the ordinary non-active ones. Vitamins for women containing creatine and amino acids can sustain muscles during brief bursts of intensive exercise and promote muscle growth and recovery. Athletes need a larger intake of antioxidant elements like vitamins C and E since the strenuous activity is linked to oxidative stress and tissue damage.

Pregnancy and Lactation

pregnant woman taking vitamins

The Department of Health advises all women who are thinking about getting pregnant to take daily supplements of 400 mcg of folic acid to lower their chance of neural tube abnormalities and 10 mcg of vitamin D to help the developing foetus. Another option is a multivitamin with a lot of iron, folic acid, and vitamin D.


Women need to consume more of some minerals during and after menopause, including calcium and vitamin D. This is because bone loss during this period is accelerated by the loss of bone-shielding oestrogen. Additionally, some women discover that phytoestrogen pills, including black cohosh, reduce common menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and irritability.

Restricted Diet

You might be deficient in some nutrients if your diet is restricted in any way. For instance, because B12 is largely found in meat, vegetarians and vegans are frequently deficient in it. Even fad diets like the Atkins or Paleo diet can help you control your intake, and a regular multivitamin may even help.


Regular smokers require substantial dosages of vitamin C to keep their body reserves constant. This anti-oxidant vitamin is essential for scavenging free radical molecules created by cigarette smoke’s chemical constituents. Smokers frequently have reduced serum levels of vitamin B12, which is also crucial. Keep in mind, though, that taking a daily multivitamin won’t make up for a bad habit. According to some data, smokers should stay away from high beta-carotene intake because it may raise their chance of developing lung cancer.

The Bottom Line

Although some women might benefit from a multivitamin, there are also those who don’t need it. The ideal strategy? Maintain a healthy weight, eat at least five pieces of fruit and vegetables each day, and only take multivitamins to safeguard an adequate nutrient intake.

Stephanie Tierney